So I have joined a 30 clean eating challenge online. I joined the following event to start this challenge on January 5th. I want to use this to get back into my clean eating program (i.e. Paleo Program). It's time to make a change. I will incorporate this into my plan to eat regularly schedule meals.
Why I Like Paleo -
1.) Lose weight.
2.) Get lean - you lose fat and not muscle.
3.) Joints feel amazing!!
4.) Skin clears up.
5.) No headaches.
6.) Energy is through the roof.
Why Paleo is Hard -
1.) It takes preparation and planning.
2.) I have to cook.
3.) Reduced sweets is hard for my sweet tooth.
4.) It says no alcohol, but let's get real here.
Time to take the challenge!!
A Dramatic Color Drenched Hallway Makeover
6 days ago