Tuesday, January 31, 2012

February Challenge

OK - I have decided on a challenge for myself for February. I am going to work on changing one bad habit that I have that I know affects my eating habits as well. Stopping this one activity is going to be a huge challenge, but one that starts tomorrow. I know you are waiting with baited breath or have already skipped ahead.

My challenge for February is - No eating and watching TV or being on the computer at home. (I'll take on the challenge of work later).

So....how do I make this happen. Well pretty simple and yet so difficult. If I need to eat something I have to turn off the TV and leave it off until I am done. That's it. No more mindless eating in front of the TV.

I picked this challenge for the month because I really do spend too much time sitting in front of the TV putting food in my mouth that I am not even tasting or really enjoying. It's just become something that I do. I want to enjoy my food and really taste it.

Wish me luck!!! This is years and years for me to change. I'll keep you posted on my progress.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

What to do? What to do?

I have a really good life. I really do. I have a job that I get a lot of enjoyment out of. It does stress me out and keep me from sleep some nights, but I feel a sense of accomplishment there. And I feel that I am appreciated there. All good things.

I have a great home. I have a houseful of animals that I love dearly. I get out with Roxie every day for long walks. I have Nellie curled up next to me as I write this post. My animals are so super sweet and I can't imagine life without them.

I have a group of good friends. I don't get to see them as much as I would like. We are all pretty busy. Most of my girlfriends are moms now and have a lot of activities with their kids that keep them very busy.

All good things, right?

So why do I feel the overwhelming need and desire every night to fall face first into a large pizza, or chocolate, or cake or McDonald's? Why do I drive home with only thoughts of what I can eat that night and get such excitement out of it?

I have been thinking a lot about this. It's like I have a good life that is made up of routines, obligations, and things I have to do. I don't have much in my life that I LOVE to do. Or things that I look forward to every day. The one thing I do have is food!!

I look forward to eating food. I love tasting food. I love the smell of food. I love the abundance, the variety, the fact that I can get it any time.

I think that would be really fine if I could eat and enjoy the food in moderation without taking things to extremes. But there are times when I start eating that there is just no stopping.

So as I work towards getting my eating under control I have to figure out what to replace food with. What do I find that gives me that much enjoyment every day? What do I find in life that is stronger than food? What can I have in my life that isn't something I do because I have to do it, but something I do because I want to do it? I don't think I can fully remove my obsessive food eating until I can find a replacement for it. I feel so deprived when I go days without eating with abandon.

That is the mission. What is my passion?

Still searching.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Cold Turkey?

I have been thinking recently about what "going cold turkey" means to a person struggling with food addictions. With drugs or alcohol you would go cold turkey by not touching either substance. But my addiction is also necessary for my survival. Going cold turkey with food is not possible.

I have tried to go "cold turkey" with some of my favorite binge foods. I end up just going crazy with other food that is around. So that doesn't work all that well.

My latest thought is to focus on the main eating guideline from Geneen - eat when you are hungry. I was focused on this before the holidays and I lost a bit of focus over the last few weeks. So I am getting back on the band wagon and am going cold turkey - no more food in my mouth without feeling hungry.

Now, all this talk of turkey, I think I am hungry. :o)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

I have been working on my resolution list this week trying to figure out what things to do each month to make sure I am focused. Following The Happiness Project I really need to build a "Resolution Chart" to give myself daily golds stars to keep myself on track. Each item below would have sub-actions. Things that I can focus on specifically. So that is the next step for this up coming week. Organize my thoughts and build a Resolution Chart.

Started A Few Things, but I need more of a plan:
Following my eating guidelines
Regular Exercise (Going to the gym 3 times per week)
Drinking 64oz of water
Meditating regularly
Reducing stress with more organization in the house
Taking a multi-vitamin
Watch less TV

No Action Yet (which is fine):
Getting more sleep
Limit salt intake
Adopt a better skin care program
Eating more fruits and vegetables, less fake foods (processed)
Cutting back on caffeine

Not too much else to report this week. Just keeping really busy with work, the pets and just getting back into the swing of things. Sorry not much of an update this week, but I did want to give a quick post.

Have a great week!


Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!!

Hi Everyone!!

Well - I am glad to be in 2012!! The end of last year was not the best per my previous posting and I am looking forward to the new year. With everything that has been going on I haven't been really great about focusing on myself and my practices.

I have been reading a book called The Happiness Project. It's about a woman that took a whole year to focus on different aspects of her life in an attempt to increase her overall happiness. I love the idea and how she went about her project. It was a lot of small changes over the course of a year and not an attempt to make a million sudden changes.

I have been thinking that I would like to try a similar approach this year, but call it my Health Project. I want to focus on several things this year:

Following my eating guidelines
Getting more sleep
Regular Exercise (Going to the gym 3 times per week)
Drinking 64oz of water
Cutting back on caffeine
Meditating regularly
Reducing stress with more organization in the house
Eating more fruits and vegetables, less fake foods (processed)
Taking a multi-vitamin
Watch less TV
Limit salt intake
Adopt a better skin care program

So what I need to do now is organize myself a bit and figure out what tasks I am going to focus on the different months. Step 1 for me is the Eating Guidelines and really paying attention to those and getting back on track. More to come on my plan!

Happy New Year! Here's hoping that this is the best year yet!!